Comment on My entire Lemmy feed is 1 single user (bot?) reposting the same link across communities ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Soapbox opinion time. Post spamming to parallel communities across instances is antithetical to federation.

Post spamming discourages users from federating with parallel communities on federated instances because users feeds end up with congested feeds. This results in reduced engagement across communities and isn’t fair to other contributors who choose not to post spam.

If a post spammer is concerned about visibility from defederated instances, then I suggest using an instance that federates to more instances. Furthermore, please respect an instance’s choice to defederate from yours if that’s where you choose to be. If your instance was defederated from another, that means the users there do not want to see any posts from your instance, even if you think they do.

I implore post spammers to reconsider the logic behind their actions, as the impact on the fediverse is more negative than positive.
