Comment on Femboy or FEM-boy 4 months ago
Posts like this make me sick.
Goddamn doctors shoving finite element models down our throats like every little problem requires a 3D mesh and complicated boundary conditions.
Not all our problems are that complicated. 4 months ago
Hey I solved my 20+ year chronic medical problems with a simple 3d model 4 months ago
Was it really simple? 4 months ago
A very weak and abused psoas muscle was compressing the lumbar plexus resulting in a whole range of issues including fibromyalgia and mast cell activation syndrome
3d model was necessary to determine the single point of failure for the nerve compression after excluding the spine structurally
Once the anatomy was understood, a fix could be put in the works. It also better explained the original presentation and symptoms.
Multiple nerves being affected made doctors focus solely on the spine, ignoring the existence and compression of the lumbar plexus 4 months ago
That sounds very not simple, but I’m glad you were able to find relief! And it does sound like an interesting problem