There is nothing rhat differentiates Steam from Microsoft or Nintendo.
How much do Microsoft and Nintendo contribute to open-source projects?
There is nothing rhat differentiates Steam from Microsoft or Nintendo.
How much do Microsoft and Nintendo contribute to open-source projects? 3 months ago
They leveraged open source to compete on the console front without actually investing dev time. If he could have created a closed system for the same cost, he wouldn’t of hesitated. It was nothing more than a smart business decision, not a nice favor because he likes you.
Most of the Gaben simps just throw back the same thing, “well, they aren’t as bad as microsoft”.
Mussolini wasn’t as bad as Hitler, can you image defending him though? Stop bootlicking billionaires.
I’m also not saying Microsoft is better, I’m saying they are all in the same club and they all suck. 3 months ago
I asked you a question. Show me contributions to open-source on the same scale by Xbox and Nintendo. If it’s so much cheaper, why aren’t they doing it too?
No, you said they were exactly the same and that Gabe was colluding with them. Now you’re backpedalling because you realized how stupid of a take that was. 3 months ago
Microsoft contributes a lot of stuff to open source but that’s really far away from my point. I’m not back peddling, I’m explaining myself because you are being a child and taking my words way to literally. Microsoft being slightly worse does not make steam “good”.
Valve can run and offer the same services it does now on a fraction of what they charge.
They could easily properly compete, every store could drastically lower their pricing, but they don’t, because they like having a soft monopoly.
“Explain it to me or you lose” is insanely childish behavior, specially when I just explained that’s not what I meant and you are being too literal but I mean, here:
Explain to me why you think Gaben deserves a net worth of 4 000 000 000 $.
That is who you are being a mouthpiece for, stop defending billionaires. 3 months ago
Microsoft is not a fair comparison to Steam, hence why I refocused to Xbox.
“Obviously I didn’t mean what I said, don’t be a child!” 🙄
They could even do it for free, out of the goodness of their hearts!
“I was told there would be no fact-checking”
Wow, those goalposts are really movin’ now!
See my previous comment. 3 months ago
This is just false.
from Valve’s original Proton announcement
You should try doing some research before making such claims. 3 months ago
Valve had 71 peoples working in their steam division in 2021. 31 where admin so that leaves 40 people for all their hardware. I’m going to take a wild guess and say maybe 3 to 5 were working on things linux related.
I’d call that leveraging at that amount of people, for a company that brings in an estimated 6.5 billion a year, and the fact that most of the code was already there.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad linux got a boost out of it but there’s no doubt in my mind he would have built a private OS if it could be done with 5 people. It was a bargain for him, it wasn’t a favor. 3 months ago
Disingenuous? Dumb? Who knows!?
AHAHAHAHAHA every developer in the thread is absolutely cackling at you right now. 3 months ago
Just so we’re clear here – you pulled your original numbers out of nowhere, but made them oddly specific (71) to give the impression that you were citing an actual source.
That is hilariously pathetic.
And barely even matters since you’re ignoring 90% of the comment you replied to (financing and partnerships).
Just really paints a picture of how boring, basic, and uninformed your opinion is, for all the cockiness you came in here with. 3 months ago
[citations needed] 3 months ago
Note that most people that valve pays to work on open source were preixisting maintainers and not actual employees, or employees of companies like Blue Systems