Comment on My mental health has improved after deleting games that have microtransactions in them 4 months ago
Except for like 3 helm pieces which they released like 15 years ago and have since available through others means, there’s literally nothing beyond a few mounts and pets. So your whole “mounts, cosmetics, miscellaneous” thing is very misleading. Other than that, I agree with you and I’m glad you’ve managed to get away. Kudos. 4 months ago 4 months ago
I checked the site before posting just to check because I didn’t wanna post BS, but it seems I missed a couple of things. I apologize, they also released 6 cosmetic sets in the last 4 years, an extra helm and a pair of wings.
That’s still less than you’re making it sound. Definitely not one every month. Again, not defending them or disagreeing with you, I just don’t like it when people make things sound worse than they are to get people to agree with them. 4 months ago
I’d you don’t have a job, and can play 12 hours a day to farm that gear. Great! Enjoy school life. But adults don’t have time to farm all that shit, purchasing is effectively the only way to get it. It is disingenuous to conflate "being obtainable ’ with “no need to ever purchase”. 4 months ago
There’s a list of 2000 pieces. And only 5 sets that you can buy. Also every month you get free trader’s tender for simply logging in. You use that to buy those pieces. If you do a few world quests you get even more. I literally cap out on the monthly 1k tender by playing a few hours. Why are you people being so negative for no reason.
There’s plenty of things to hate. There’s plenty of things even blizzard are guilty of. But wow is one of the games that’s most respectful of your time. As far as MMOs go, that is. I literally have a 4 piece set without ever stepping foot in a normal raid. Only did LFR once, got 1 piece. The other 3 were given for free. You get so much shit in this game by simply logging in and playing a couple of hours it’s insane.
If you want the entire transmog collection the game has to offer, yes, you have to grind. But let’s not pretend you need to play a lot to have some nice sets. That hasn’t been true in a long time.