Comment on Why are peole hating on .world? 2 months ago
It’s the most toxic instance I’ve ventured into (and admittedly have this account on). People spread lies and vitriol here about as much as Twitter and Reddit.
Comment on Why are peole hating on .world? 2 months ago
It’s the most toxic instance I’ve ventured into (and admittedly have this account on). People spread lies and vitriol here about as much as Twitter and Reddit. 2 months ago
What lies are said about Twitter? 2 months ago
Not “about Twitter” but “about as much as Twitter” 2 months ago
Yeah that makes more sense when I re-read it. I was tired, I know there is basically subs mocking the abuses on Reddit, but didn’t know of one for Twitter, so I figured I’d ask. Elon is on to many posts for sure, so they could have just meant any technology sub being used to talk about his crazy. 2 months ago
That it isn’t called Twitter ;)