They would, but like… It’s just it’s such a broad statement that it’s kinda meaningless. As a term it encapsulates basically everything that’s going on in your brain.
Comment on Anthropologists: "You motherfuckers!" 4 months ago
Biologists would never say that. At least not any biologist worth their salt.
There’s no nurture or nature. It’s both. 4 months ago 4 months ago
Isn’t the experiences of life encoded into the synaptic network of the brain? 4 months ago
As a biologist,
We can’t even get the actions of water bears down.
We have the entire genetic code and brain mapping of a fruit fly, and can get, very slow, good guesses about how they respond to very basic stimulus.
Let’s not even get into epigenetics.
I would never downplay the importance or difficulty of psychology.
But I get nothing but kicks on this house of “science” memes.