Are you saying that it I picked up a copy of that differential equations book I might actually learn wtf is going on? Because I only passed that class with the help of wolfram alpha and never looked back
I don’t know dude. I took multivariable calculus, ODEs, linear algebra, modern physics; and a numerical methods for engineers class— all in the same semester. I was a fucking mess and swimming in integrals and derivatives and matrices and systems of equations (both differential and ordinary algebraic) 177% of the time. I honestly don’t remember anything of that five months of my life. 11/10 would not recommend.
I don’t know that any one book was a savior. I was reading from like three books per topic all at once to try to make heads and tails of anything and spending every minute I could in my prof’s and TA’s office hours.
Those two books were some of the only ones I kept, and just donated everything else. Maybe it’s just nostalgia. 4 months ago
My Dover Ordinary Differential Equations book is my second favorite math book.
My first favorite is Spivak’s Calculus.
They’re both just so beautiful. Wish I had time to relearn it all again. :) 4 months ago
Are you saying that it I picked up a copy of that differential equations book I might actually learn wtf is going on? Because I only passed that class with the help of wolfram alpha and never looked back 4 months ago
Normally, the second time you learn something you tend to learn it much better. 4 months ago
I don’t know dude. I took multivariable calculus, ODEs, linear algebra, modern physics; and a numerical methods for engineers class— all in the same semester. I was a fucking mess and swimming in integrals and derivatives and matrices and systems of equations (both differential and ordinary algebraic) 177% of the time. I honestly don’t remember anything of that five months of my life. 11/10 would not recommend.
I don’t know that any one book was a savior. I was reading from like three books per topic all at once to try to make heads and tails of anything and spending every minute I could in my prof’s and TA’s office hours.
Those two books were some of the only ones I kept, and just donated everything else. Maybe it’s just nostalgia.