also, a tip: lemmy actually lets you remove the upvote from your own stuff. it counts, unlike reddit, where your own vote doesn’t count, just no votes makes it display 1
The problem is that the default configuration has you automatically liking your own stuff, so setting it to not do so makes it look like you were downvoted
doesn’t it show the vote counts individually? maybe reddit brains subconsciously interpret seeing 0 in the context of voting being “this guy got downvoted” 3 months ago
Controversial is best sort for drama 3 months ago
also, a tip: lemmy actually lets you remove the upvote from your own stuff. it counts, unlike reddit, where your own vote doesn’t count, just no votes makes it display 1 3 months ago
The problem is that the default configuration has you automatically liking your own stuff, so setting it to not do so makes it look like you were downvoted 3 months ago
doesn’t it show the vote counts individually? maybe reddit brains subconsciously interpret seeing 0 in the context of voting being “this guy got downvoted”