Cut two pie tins so they can be joined, put crusts in both, fill crusts with desired fruits, carefully break the crusts so they can meet, top as desired, bake.
Right looks like a blackberry cobbler.
Comment on Venn would be proud 4 months ago
But seriously, how did they make it?
And what’s the flavor on the right?
Cut two pie tins so they can be joined, put crusts in both, fill crusts with desired fruits, carefully break the crusts so they can meet, top as desired, bake.
Right looks like a blackberry cobbler. 4 months ago
They cut the sidewalls our of 2 Al pie-plates, let the floors overlap, and prayed the crust didn’t leak.
Blueberry 4 months ago
Aluminum foil would likely have been used to seal the sides 4 months ago