Comment on do ribbed condoms feel better than smooth during anal? 5 months ago
Eh, if you’ve got a prostate (aka you were AMAB) that’s probably doing most of the work so ribs likely wouldn’t matter. If you’ve seen toys designed for anal they often involve much more dramatic texturing (i.e. anal beads) since that will trigger a sensation that ribbing likely won’t.
And, if you think about it logically, if you’re constipated you kind of don’t want to feel every minor fissure or bump on what’s coming out.
So as an AMAB I haven’t observed a difference and I kind of doubt AFABs would either. 5 months ago
It’s not so much AMAB/AFAB as vaginal canal vs no vaginal canal. A person with a prostate and a vaginal canal doesn’t get as much pressure on the prostate from anal. 5 months ago
Oh, interesting - but a plug would probably fix that right? AFABs lack the prostate entirely, so that bundle of nerves doesn’t really help with sensations. 5 months ago
It’s not a matter of “fixing” so much as things moving around. After bottom surgery, the vaginal canal sits between the prostate and the anal canal, so sensation to the prostate is reduced with anal sex. However, the prostate ends up sitting approximately where the “g spot” is in AFAB folk, and so is more easily accessed via the vaginal canal 5 months ago
My terminology was a bit lacking - but that’s interesting, TIL!
So, for transwomen the nerves you’re dealing with for stimulation during anal probably are really close to ciswomen.