Comment on What GPU is inside Mall Cop Robots?

<- View Parent ⁨6⁩ ⁨days⁩ ago

Are you really comparing a device that costs a hundred or two hundred dollars to buy in bulk and is an incredibly annoying nuisance to anyone who has to deal with them being left wherever the fuck the person driving them decides is ‘good enough’… to a robot that costs hundreds of thousands of dollars with decades of R&D behind them…??

In virtually every implementation, they’re operated inside a security envelope that would help make it extremely difficult to steal. most of the robots have their own security team behind them, including people that will look for it when it is stolen.

Even if you do manage to lift a several-hundred-pound robot and run away with it; and get it to somewhere it’s onboard telemetry (including GPS, camera and audio. Probably also ultrasonic) can’t broadcast… and then get it someplace safe enough to do the tear down… posting pictures on the internet may as well paint a target on their back. and just for the record, the painters are the kind of people who own companies like blackwater.

No, they probably won’t send their goons after you. But you did just embarrass them…they ain’t gonna take that lying down.
