They also have some fun policies like allowing employers to pay to moderate their reviews. So yeah, they’re the Yelp of employer reviews these days
Comment on I need a Glassdoor account AND a review of a previous employer to see reviews on the website 5 months ago
Glassdoor officially became dead to me last year, when they made everything “opt out” in terms of privacy. It made the rounds and I know they lost a good chunk of reviewers. With this it makes sense, engagement is probably low and they’re desperate to bring numbers up.
Screw them, they became company focused instead of user focused, there’s zero reason to give them reviews anymore. Companies can pay to remove reviews, they are not as private, there’s no reason. 5 months ago 5 months ago
I deleted my account when I discovered that bullshit. LinkedIn’s new opt-out AI data gobbling has me this close to deleting that account too. 5 months ago
I did the best thing possible very early on in my adult life; created a LinkedIn account, and didn’t post/comment a goddamn thing. 5 months ago
The difference with linked in is that I don’t use linked in personally. I only use it in my role as an employee or as a job searcher or as a member of some community. I don’t have any personal info on there, except for the basics that are already out there.