you created your own system for actively refusing to learn to play normally. lol
i mean good job too I guess but I think just practicing would have been less effort.
Comment on Instruments 5 months ago
I faked trombone all the way through middle school. Adam, the kid next to me, knew how to play trombone and could read the music as well. What I did was create my own system of trombonal slide positions, numbered 1 through 6. Then I would watch where Adam moved his slide with each note played, and I would write the corresponding number from my system above each note on my paper.
I leached you like a fucking vampire, Adam.
you created your own system for actively refusing to learn to play normally. lol
i mean good job too I guess but I think just practicing would have been less effort.
This is especially funny because I think there’s only 7 positions on a typical trombone anyway, and unless you have godlike lips can only hit 3 or 4 octaves across those. i played trombone through high school and it’s like the easiest instrument, haha.
I did the same for the piano tbh. I was better at rhythm games than parsing sheet music so I’d practice and memorise pieces on something like Synthesia.
That’s harder when playing plinky plonk though.
Yeah, that’s why I’m stuck playing with one hand, never properly learned notation 5 months ago
That’s almost as much work as learning it!