3 months ago
My friends and I always end a night of sea thievin by bringing all the explosives into the hold and giving the ol girl a fiery send off. 3 months ago
My friends and I always end a night of sea thievin by bringing all the explosives into the hold and giving the ol girl a fiery send off. 3 months ago
RIP ship captain’s pockets
(unless you’re long past playing for the gold or you’re sailing an uncaptained one) 3 months ago
Just uncaptained ships. Honestly dont see the advantage of buying one 3 months ago
you can permanently prettify it and sell all your stuff at the uh, forgot the name, but the one stand trader that accepts everything and has its own deck to make the booty transfer faster! (though idk if it’s still exclusive to captained ships? i haven’t played in a while) 3 months ago