Austin really does suck, he’s bound to be a little fucked up.
Comment on Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? 3 months agoTankies praise China and the Soviet. He’s from Texas. I think he’s just brainwashed. 3 months ago 3 months ago
i know that part, that ones a classic, i think there are a lot more tankies or “pipelined” tankies than we think on the left, but i also don’t know shit so that’s just conjecture lol.
People from texas are really goofy though. Something about that state. It’s the florida of the inland states. Even though it’s technically not inland. 3 months ago
My brother in law who was ultra pro China moved to Houston and turned into an American fundie. The entire state should just leave. 2 months ago
damn, what a fucking weird place down there hey?
At least that’s where they all go to violate OSHA rules, and make us more money. I’ll take what i can. 2 months ago
Seriously. I feel the same way about Florida