Comment on Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race? 5 months ago
You’re in a media bubble. It feels like there’s no way anyone could see it differently. The people who disagree with you are also in a media bubble and don’t understand how you could believe what you do.
For everything you said they
- don’t believe happened
- think it was a deep state plot
- believe it’s good actually and believing anything else means you want to kill babies or destroy the economy
- have never heard of it
Reality may have a leftist bias but most people don’t live in reality. Most people live in a reality constructed by corporate media. Social media is largely derivative of it. 5 months ago
There’s some truth to this, but if you take the effort to break out of your media bubble, to find original sources, to read documentary evidence, indictments, transcripts.
To go the other direction and track down evidence for Trumps accusations against others,
the guy comes off even worse. 5 months ago
Something a lot of people tend to forget is that reality doesn’t have inherent biases. The facts are the facts, no matter how cartoonishly evil those facts might make one side look. 5 months ago
Exactly. If anything, the anti-trump media “bubbles” are going easy on the guy. 5 months ago
That doesn’t help you understand his supporters though. You have to wade in the shit they call news. You have to hear what they say to begin to understand them. 5 months ago
I hear what they say I still don’t understand them. 5 months ago
I grew up in the south, I understand them perfectly.
Imagine growing up your whole life being told you need to be angry because you’re the greatest but everybody else takes what you deserve from you.
It used to be that pesky northerners took away your slaves, but that evolved to taking away your rights to enforce your own laws (Jim crow), then your rights to be Christian the way you want (school prayer, abortion, insisting on a Christian country), then forcing you to tolerate gays who are abominations against God and nature, then letting foreigners come in and steal the one thing you have 9f value, your citizenship.
All while being rich coastal liberals who never did any real work because they set the rules of the game that your parents never understood, but education can’t be that important, you’re all the chosen of God and your pastor explained that there’s no knowledge that you need outside of the truth of the Bible.
So you have a choice between a loud, uppity foreign woman telling you why you’re not good enough in her fancy words, or somebody who talks sense and tells it like it is, and you know he’s right because it’s what you’ve always known in your heart.
They were raised on 3 things: college football, NASCAR and pro-wrestling, and they never got involved with politics till now, so they use pro-wrestling as their model, and he is clearly the face right now. 5 months ago
I highly recommend the Alt Right playbook:…