Not actual quotes, just a joke:
It’s the greatest outline, the best. Some of the smartest world leaders have told me it’s great, like Orban.
Sir, Orban supports free healthcare in Hungary.
That guy is the worst! Terrible ideas that one has!
Comment on It's true, I really do have concepts of a plan. Beyond that..? 5 months ago
Whisps of an outline, it’s very very good though.
Not actual quotes, just a joke:
It’s the greatest outline, the best. Some of the smartest world leaders have told me it’s great, like Orban.
Sir, Orban supports free healthcare in Hungary.
That guy is the worst! Terrible ideas that one has!
Yep that’s him alright 5 months ago
Kayleigh Mackadoodle has it in a giant binder— it’s right under the never released, perpetually “2 weeks away” healthcare plan in the other giant binder; which was of course full of blank paper.