Yeah, I’m hoping they finally figure out the tutorial balance in Wilds. Earlier games had next to nothing for tutorials, and you pretty much had to look outside the game to even understand the basic movesets of the weapons, much less how things like skills work. I think they overcorrected with the recent ones though, it’d be nice if they could get a little better about introducing information in the world instead of constantly stopping the action to make sure the player sees it.
Comment on Let's discuss: Monster Hunter 5 months ago
I have a slightly different perspective as someone just starting Rise as my first ever experienced with this series.
Holy shit, the tutorials are terrible. Massive info dump walls of text explaining too many systems at once, cryptic earning messages to confirm you want to dismiss the tutorials are extra confusing… And despite the massive info dumping, they don’t even tell you everything you need to know to complete the tutorial missions as you complete them. When you go to trap your first monster, there’s no tooltip to teach you how to use items in the “how to trap” explanation or NPC dialogue.
And no ability to pause in a singleplayer game? I googled some explanation about pause being on one of the menus, but I couldn’t find it. Thankfully, suspending the game on a Steam Deck pauses it, so it’s playable.
Also, why was I given massively OP equipment and piles of loot just for logging in? The entire early game is now so easy that it’s not fun. I’m only 3 tutorials + 1 “real” mission into the game, so I’m going to try starting over without the EZ-mode loot and give it a second chance, but so far, I’m not impressed.
If I’d bought this through Steam, I’d have refunded it already before the 2-hour playtime window closed.
TL;DR: Terrible new-player onboarding has me questioning if I sound push through. 5 months ago 5 months ago
For the ez mode loot it’s to allow players to get to the expansion content quickly if they want to, otherwise yeah just don’t touch the initial high powered loot you got gifted.