- Comment on Steam Next Fest - October 2024 edition is now live with lots of demos 4 months ago:
I think moreso an opportunity for developers of specific genres to get attention in an increasingly crowded marketplace.
- Comment on Game Freak Leak Reveals Gen 10 Details, Pokemon MMO, And Codename Synapse 4 months ago:
Don’t know why the headline is so shitty, but the “mmo” seems to be a splatoon-like multiplayer game unrelated to pokemon.
- Comment on Sony. What are you even doing right now? PS5 Pro Announcement 5 months ago:
Well that is my argument, we hit diminishing returns this generation, and further upgrades are a waste of money.
If you have anything relevant to add, it’s certainly welcome, but ignoring context to try to make my point sound worse is just wasting both our time.
- Comment on Sony. What are you even doing right now? PS5 Pro Announcement 5 months ago:
I’m confused why you seem like you’re arguing with me but still fundamentally making the same point. Those improvements don’t inherently make games more fun, but they create opportunities for variety and new elements to the medium. It was previous tech improvements that made Halo and F.E.A.R. possible, that’s exactly what I’m talking about.
But processing power isn’t really a relevant limitation to game design anymore. I genuinely don’t see any future console generations being particularly enticing for me, outside an upgrade to my steam deck, especially when most of what I play is 5-20 years old anyway.
- Comment on Sony. What are you even doing right now? PS5 Pro Announcement 5 months ago:
I have to assume you’re too young to remember previous generations.
Increased power makes a difference up to a point, but we’re now so far into diminishing returns you can hardly tell the difference between a ps4 game and the ps5 ‘enhanced’ if you don’t have a 4k TV.
Increased computing power used to open up entirely new concepts in gaming. 3D environments, then larger and larger worlds, dynamic physics engines, more complex NPC Ai and more power to run larger numbers of enemies at a time.
Now, it hardly matters. There’s more than enough power to do pretty much anything you want. Unlimited worlds, thousands of NPCs, photorealistic graphics, and absolutely nothing new. It can always be ‘bigger and better’ but at what point does that stop mattering? For me, it was last console generation.
- Comment on Sony. What are you even doing right now? PS5 Pro Announcement 5 months ago:
Nah, better lighting doesn’t do a damn thing to make a game more fun. The only notable difference that even matters is better load times.
- Comment on Let's discuss: Monster Hunter 5 months ago:
Yeah, I’m hoping they finally figure out the tutorial balance in Wilds. Earlier games had next to nothing for tutorials, and you pretty much had to look outside the game to even understand the basic movesets of the weapons, much less how things like skills work. I think they overcorrected with the recent ones though, it’d be nice if they could get a little better about introducing information in the world instead of constantly stopping the action to make sure the player sees it.
- Comment on Somehow USB disks are still the easiest and most reliable way 7 months ago:
Why would you need a male/female USB?
This device is basically just a really short charging/data cable. I don’t understand what’s so confusing about it. It’s functionally identical to using the standard charging cable, just with the devices closer together.
- Comment on Microsoft's Emissions Spike 29% as AI Gobbles Up Resources 9 months ago:
Don’t worry, you still haven’t. It’s still a blatantly nonsensical premise. Humans aren’t just spontaneous power generators, we turn food into energy. If the machines can grow food to feed humans, they could just burn the plant material directly, increasing efficiency tenfold and eliminating all need for a wasteful energy sink like running a massive virtual reality.
So y’know, I’m more worried about a Terminator future.
- Comment on Had to buy a certain product to use a certain substance and there's a really stupid new law. 10 months ago:
Are you seriously complaining about requiring a signature? Why should weed paraphernalia be treated any differently to tobacco?
- Comment on Fantasy rednecks 1 year ago:
Shout out to the three cree!
- Comment on The Fediverse should do what redditors have always wanted and Reddit Inc. has always refused to do; Distinguish between NSFW and NSFL. 1 year ago:
A gore or nsfl tag is much more important than a porn one. The disturbing shit that will haunt my nightmares is what I want to keep off my feed, I’m not particularly worried about accidentally seeing some genitals.
- Comment on Who is the one movie/comic supervillian you all agree with ? 1 year ago:
Thanos is complete idiot. Life is the primary resource on which other life relies. Destroying half of all life in the universe is also destroying half the universe’s resources, accomplishing absolutely nothing.