Comment on Why is there so much hype around artificial intelligence? 3 months agoOoh an article, thank you
Comment on Why is there so much hype around artificial intelligence? 3 months agoOoh an article, thank you 3 months ago
She might be full of crap. I don’t know. You would probably understand it better than I do. 3 months ago
I find that a lot of discourse around AI is… “off”. Sensationalized, or simplified, or emotionally charged, or illogical, or simply based on a misunderstanding of how it actually works. I wish I had a rule of thumb to give you about what you can and can’t trust, but honestly I don’t have a good one; the best thing you can do is learn about how the technology actually works, and what it can and can’t do. 3 months ago
For a while Google said they would revolutionize search with artificial intelligence. That hasn’t been my experience. Someone here mentioned working on the creative side instead. And that seems to be working out better for me. 3 months ago
Yeah, it’s much better at “creative” tasks (generation) than it is at providing accurate data. In general it will always be better at tasks that are “fuzzy”, that is, they don’t have a strict scale of success/failure, but are up to interpretation. Generating images, text, etc. is a good fit.