How is that more wholesome than “person speaking in a group”?
Comment on MSc Mansplaining 6 months ago
I choose to believe the more wholesome version that this is their gay, autistic, and genuinely endearing friend who got started on his special interest without realizing that nobody else cared, and his friends otherwise like him enough that they’re walking on eggshells trying to figure out how to move the conversation forward after they all lost interest minutes ago.
“So during Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, Spock is passing through decks in the Enterprise, and we see one called Deck 78. Now you see, this class of Enterprise only has 23 decks, and so unless we assume someone misnamed this deck, how did this one get here? Some fans have speculated that maybe maybe Q put it there as a practical joke to confuse the audience, but why would Q use the number 78 specifically? This could be a reference to the episode All Our Yesterdays in The Original Series which is production code 78. In this episode, Spock reverts to being emotional like his primitive ancestors after traveling back through time, and this could be hinting to the idea that he secretly feels emotions for his half-brother Sybok who’s the antagonist of the movie.” 6 months ago 6 months ago
The interpretation in the rest of this thread is that this man is being a sexist, condescending douchebag to his peers. I hope “overly enthusiastic about your favorite subjects” is better than that. 6 months ago
Fair enough. But it doesn’t look like either of those, it’s looks like a tutor or study group and they’re literally just having a conversation. I guess I’m not surprised some people on lemmy don’t know what a conversation among friends looks like. 6 months ago
I dunno, the one in the top right looks like she’s seriously reconsidering her life choices… 6 months ago
Neither do you, it seems. Given this is an ad for a university, it’s pretty clear to me this is intended to represent some type of group project or study group. 6 months ago
Why can’t there just not be people deciding he’s being condescending for being straight and tutoring some girls? 6 months ago
Because if you don’t create division, how will the billionaires get even more rich? 6 months ago
Go on… 6 months ago
After successfully docking with his long-lost step brother, the Enterprise ventures off after Q, anonymously masquerading as 78 Christmas trees each one representing the different layers of love that Spock feels towards the 23 decks. 6 months ago
78 could be a continuation of 47