I’m extremely lucky. I’m a condominium superintendent, and my current job I am on call, but only for emergencies. There’s a security team that will handle most things but call me if it’s actually an emergency, residents don’t actually call me directly after hours.
I get maybe one real emergency call every other month or less and they rarely take very long to deal with.
And my compensation is that I get a free 2 bedroom condo, in which I don’t pay rent, utilities, or even my tv or internet bill. And I’m part of a union.
LordCrom@lemmy.world 5 months ago
What would be a real condo emergency? Like a pipe burst? Doesn’t sound like something the super could handle without a plumber coming.
Nuke_the_whales@lemmy.world 5 months ago
Yeah usually floods from a pipe or such. Generally I can at least isolate the area and shut off water to the Apartment causing the flood until the plumbers can come and repair things. Or like I may get a call that the garage gate is stuck and I gotta call an emergency repair or something