It could also be a case of severe addiction; I’ve too often been at (different kinds of) performances where people felt the need to play games or watch sports (at their kid’s school play no less), too often for adhd. And many times it’s a boomer, so the screen goes on max brightness for visibility. 5 months ago
Charitably, could be an attention issue. I’ve had to start learning about ADHD as I’m basically the only one in my nuclear family without it, and a common thing is needing to be doing something while listening.
It is mildly infuriating at the best of times to have someone constantly fidget and squirm and not acknowledge you while you talk, but listening doesn’t always look like listening unfortunately.
Though, I haven’t heard of this specific thing while at a concert it’s not beyond imagining that it’s just a tactic to accommodate their own needs. 5 months ago 5 months ago
I’m thankful I’m always inattentive while listening so everyone just kinda knows from the start. 5 months ago
If he is accommodating his own needs and those needs involvie being a distraction, maybe he could have bought a ticket for the mostly empty back row so his phone wouldn’t shine in other people’s faces. 5 months ago
True. Being inconsiderate is not ADHD specific, fine to call it out