You might be reading too much into this. Now if you can link to that same user praising Marxist leninism or any of the countries still based on that ideology. Then you have a hypocrisy to critique. But in the absence of that. Those are valid critiques of both Western democracy and Marxist leninist governments. And it’s probably based on their lived experience in a western democracy that they are criticizing it. I’m sure you can find many in China who would have similar criticisms about their own system.
And just to make sure it gets said. Anarchists have no more love for the Chinese Communist Party than you do. So if you think they’re honestly using Anarchist as an attack Vector of the west. They’re going to need all the luck they can get with it. 5 months ago
It points out the contradiction of being in a supposedly free Western Democracy but still being totally at the mercy of others. It isn’t necessarily that Western Democracy is the cause, but that it fails to address these problems. 5 months ago
As opposed to Eastern Democracies which select our perfect godlike leaders who will show us the way to a perfext future (a long painful way), right comrade? /sarcasm 5 months ago
No 5 months ago
Describe a good democracy then.