You’re not wrong, but in what world is that even comparable (or relevant in conparison) to trying to overturn an election?
No matter what you think of Harris’ policies, shes the only actual candidate on the ballot.
Comment on Illegal voting by noncitizens is rare, yet Republicans are making it a major issue this election 6 months agoThey have nothing real to run on.
Pictured is Kamala Harris’s Presidential Campaign page, main menu, as viewed on mobile. The second screenshot shows the menu from the bottom of the website.
Of note is the fact that there is no reference whatsoever so Harris’s policy positions.
She doesn’t give interviews.
She is doing what you’re accusing Republicans of doing, which is having nothing real to run on. She is literally running on nothing.
Also, she was not elected as the candidate in a primary.
But oh yes, let’s all remember that “Democracy’s on the ballot here”, as we back our wild card candidate who skipped the primaries, doesn’t do interviews, and doesn’t have a platform.
You’re not wrong, but in what world is that even comparable (or relevant in conparison) to trying to overturn an election?
No matter what you think of Harris’ policies, shes the only actual candidate on the ballot. 6 months ago
Perhaps watch one of their numerous huge rallies or speeches where they outline exactly what they are running on. Two screenshots you took of a website are meaningless.