This does not exclude you; It’s directionless and self abnegating. We’re all a little crappy, so focus on those who choose not to at least try. It’s a much more valuable use of your energies.
I have trouble imagining a way I could be impressed with humanity in general, without actual willful ignorance. I’m not a dick about it, though. Kind of the opposite, actually; it makes it a lot easier to refrain from judging anyone. 6 months ago
This does not exclude you; It’s directionless and self abnegating. We’re all a little crappy, so focus on those who choose not to at least try. It’s a much more valuable use of your energies. 6 months ago
Not OP, but sure, I resent myself too.
I have trouble imagining a way I could be impressed with humanity in general, without actual willful ignorance. I’m not a dick about it, though. Kind of the opposite, actually; it makes it a lot easier to refrain from judging anyone. 6 months ago
Not impressed? We’re the funniest natural phenomenon in the known universe, that has to count for something. 5 months ago
Probably true, but humour is pretty human-specific, so that’s a bit like saying we’re the most conventionally attractive by human standards.