Comment on Analysts: Apple to keep cutting iPhone orders, services now ‘key differentiator’

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realcaseyrollins ⁨2⁩ ⁨years⁩ ago

I don't mind the incremental updates. It's nice to have slight upgrades every year, but Apple hypes them up as something incredible and grand.

They need to focus on one thing: durable, long-lasting premium phones. Make a $1,200, fully-featured iPhone that will last you ten, even five years.

But this I think is proof that the iPhone is dying, in part most likely because of their hiked prices post-making their retail prices the same as the unlocked prices. The cost of each phone is too high to justify getting a new one every year, even with revolutionary new features. What is easily justifiable is a LTS (Long Term Support) phone that costs an insane amount of money, because hey, you won't be getting a new one for several years right?

But IMHO the iPhone is dying, and they REALLY need to realize that their bread and butter in the future is going to be computers and services. Their competitive advantage when it comes to computers will continue to be so-so but they will absolutely SLAUGHTER Google when it comes to services. It could get to a point where their paid services are better than any of Google's.
