Comment on Pick your Lemmy instance wisely... 1 year agoSee, here’s how I know you’re a pussy: I stated my position on how I don’t mind interacting with assholes because I’m a dick to stupid, ignorant, disingenuous people (like you), and you got offended. How much of a little whiney bitch do you have to be to get so uppity about someone saying they’re OK with being abrasive to assholes?
The next time you’re having a teary because someone on the Internet upset you with their words (like I have without even trying) remember that there’s people like me who don’t get offended by the incompetence and wilful ignorance of braindead troglodytes with a below 6th grade reading comprehension because you don’t have opinions of value to offended by. 1 year ago
Didn’t tackle any of points ✅ Went for the “you’re weak” card ✅ Obviously doesn’t think they have to communicate clearly with people and that everyone who doesn’t understand therefore must be an idiot ✅
You’re the one who’s triggered because I called you out for still being a dick despite it being for your own purposes and goals and then try to play it off like it’s somehow for the greater good.
I’m not a pussy you’re just a hot head. Good luck out there I wish you the best. 1 year ago
Just because you’re too stupid to comprehend doesn’t mean I’m not communicating clearly, you’ve taken every opportunity to act like a disingenuous fuckwit because your sad that mean people can be mean. Boo hoo. And you’ve been crying about it ever since.
Talk about not tackling any of the points, if self awareness was a disease you’d be the healthiest person alive.