Most things I saw of him being a great cast member were earlier in his career and this seems to be a very recent thing to happen. I don’t think he’s always been bad in any respect but people do change overtime and America has been increasingly radicalized recently. I’m not surprised that this has happened and it could happen to anyone.
Comment on I wish there were more like him in the industry 6 months agoAh, yes. The “toxic gamer” accusations. Yeah. To me that reads like he was not happy with how they handled source material and did his best to fight it (which yeah, not his place to do that, but as someone who also loves Witcher I can relate). And then they tried to spin it as being mysoginyst (they tried so hard to spin itin any way so that he ends up looking bad back then). Also source of the articlebeing Reddit doesn’t exactly fill me with confidence.
After these accusations I remember other articles with fellow female cast members at the least saying things about hin as a person that are in complete oposition to the accusations.
Not saying he is a saint, I don’t idolize him. But it’s hard for me to believe those accusations. 6 months ago 6 months ago
I’m pretty sure the cast members reactions I remember were from Witcher.
Also, if you are a fan of the source material and writers are not (and some actively mock it, allegedly) - I can imagine you being a dick to them - no matter their gender 6 months ago
Why wouldn’t it be his place to argue for more respect for the source material? or simply a better script?! It is his face in there, instead of an awesome show, we got, well… whatever the hell that was and his face is attached to it forever.
I have no idea about show business but if I sign up to play Dracula and now they tell me the script calls for a Dracula that has no powers and instead is only a genetically diseased person with hardcore anemia, I would probably fight the script as well 6 months ago
From how I see it, he is an actor. He is expected to get a script and act accordingly. Depends on the director and others how open they can be about it and how much freedom the actors get. But I don’t talk from experience.
Now as a Witcher fan, I understand Cavill completely. He cared for source materials and got writers and showrunner who didn’t. Some writers allegedly even actively didn’t like the source material. So of course he would fight it. I can imagine ways that are good, and I can imagine ways that may be stepping out of line from writers perspective.