7 months ago
Kind of given considering the nature of the job. I heard a radio show where they talked about this with someone in the church who explained that the church offers forgiveness for sins to people who are willing to commit to God. I don’t think to many pedophiles want to be attracted to kids and probably see themselves as evil. People probably figure it out at the same age that the priesthood is calling. So it’s a place for these people who probably do want to purge themselves of their evil but reality is the church can’t do that so their ranks fill with them as much as it gets filled with our types of people who see themselves as sinners like former drug users and wall street bankers. The whole program and discussion made me feel like the church could be seen as a victim in all this as well. But then they fuck up by hiding these people and shuffling them around instead of bringing them to justice. 7 months ago
Well you have nearly the complete story. Church is about control: if you help someone hide his crimes, they have acess to repeated rape and you have control over them because you can always expose them. It might even build loyalty. Case and point marriage and celebacy: probably the only thing threatening the churches control-by-faith is the drive to protect your spouse and children. So they are not allowed to have them. Bonus round: why is there a concept of “sin” and “confession”? Because this helps the church know all the dirty secrets of powerful people and their loved ones. The rest is history (blackmail). 7 months ago
Case in point