Things seem straightforward, until you realize that they aren’t.
Cheers! This makes sense.
Comment on Fallout TV Show ... not vibing with eps 1,2 ... what am I missing? 5 months ago
There’s a lot of world-building going on in the first 2-3 episodes, and story lines start slowly drawing together after that point. It doesn’t really come together until the final episode, and that is something that’s clearly leaving a lot of room for a second season.
Yes, it helps if you understand the context that it’s all taking place in; playing the games (particularly 3, New Vegas, and 4) is very helpful to knowing some of the context that isn’t stated explicitly, but not strictly necessary.
Despite having a ton of action and violence, the plot is a fairly slow burn, and takes a while to get to the critical parts where everything really comes together. Things seem straightforward, until you realize that they aren’t.
Things seem straightforward, until you realize that they aren’t.
Cheers! This makes sense.
Why is this in movies shouldn’t it be in television?
That is totally fair!
This community was originally intended to be for both movies and TV, but it was a bit redundant and so we took focus off of TV. I did a search around for Fallout discussions and didn’t find anything in the sort of critical vein of my post, and it’s old enough that it falls under “discussion” more than anything news etc, so I thought it could make sense here. Happy to be criticised for this. But I feel like it’d make sense to allow retrospective “slow” TV discussion back into this community while disallowing latest TV news and trailers and the like … but I’m not speaking as a mod at all on this, just riffing. I like the people here and like discussing things here is all! 5 months ago
Thing is, I’ve played most of the games, and I feel no connection to the characters, feel no reason to continue even after the first episode and I could barely get through that.
It’s all melodrama, nothing more, sadly.
I don’t see how someone who’s never played the games would find even the first episode intruiging enough to watch more. 5 months ago
You should watch till like the 4th episode I’d say. There is a lot happening that doesn’t have context until a bit later one. It’s an excellent story, but it is a slow burn.
I’ve never played any of the games 5 months ago
Thanks for this! I’ll watch until the 4th episode!
There should be a mechanism for the poster to appoint a comment as the “answer” to a question