Especially with the prices of movies, i wanna go to a movie that i know will blow my socks off. The thoughtful ones i honestly prefer for home viewing because i decide the atmosphere and can pause if i need to take a moment. Plus thoughtful, for me, works better in longform TV and bombastic crazy works better as movies. There are exceptions of course. 6 months ago
I get what he’s saying. Quality of TV shows and televisions themselves have been going up, whereas theaters are not filling the seats like they used to. People are only going to see the blockbusters and leaving the thoughtfully paces stuff for home viewing. And obviously, studios are gonna play to the fan service 6 months ago 6 months ago
If a film is 90% faces of people talking, it belongs on a face-sized screen. If it’s mostly people doing things that are reasonably done in a living room, it belongs in my living room. Now, I’m going to have to wait and see D&W in my home too, because of family constraints. And I’m going to have to play it at a reasonable volume, with captions. But it belongs on a big screen, with big noise. Huge didn’t spend all that effort getting jacked again for nothing, and Ryan’s antics need elbow room.