In a business school they’re the same thing: stuff we have to put on the syllabus so it looks like we care about them.
It’s not like they actually teach those subjects, they just need to appear on the timetable. So putting them together works fine.
Comment on Anon tries to be ethical 6 months ago
why are ethics and sustainability in the same class? They are 2 different fields. It’d be like lumping a sociology and math class together.
In a business school they’re the same thing: stuff we have to put on the syllabus so it looks like we care about them.
It’s not like they actually teach those subjects, they just need to appear on the timetable. So putting them together works fine.
business school. you treat them both the same way.
I’m a professor at a business school. They are 2 different fields.
i think the lesson from this thread is to distrust anything you say, no (well maybe some) offense
Sure buddy 6 months ago
Buddy, do I have news for you.