Guess the drm could only run on sse4. Or they were paid off to put their in their game to get people to buy more pcs. Probably both.
Comment on If buying it isn't owning it... 7 months ago
That’s far Cry 6 for me. Bought it off the epic site when it first came out and it didn’t work because of the drm. (Needed sse 4.3? which my old assed pc doesn’t have.)
Downloaded a cracked torrent, worked like a charm. 7 months ago 7 months ago
You sure that’s for anticheat? Just sounds like the game was compiled for newer CPUs because SSE provides a huge performance boost in some areas. 7 months ago
I believe it was Denuvo that was the issue. The cracked version with denuvo stripped from it worked without a hiccup and ran smooth. 7 months ago
I feel old, alright?
If you bought a thing to be used for the same thing, you aren’t a pirate?
Certainly a beautiful buccaneer.
Or sweaty swashbuckler.