then wait until the 10min mark then! Would be rather odd if all news sources in unison decided to pull a prank like that
Comment on 8 Minutes 6 months agoI don’t know about you, but if I start seeing headlines about the Sun vanishing, I’m assuming it’s a hoax and going back to bed. 6 months ago 6 months ago
Maybe if ony one or two places are reporting on it. If all the major ‘reputable’ news sources are reporting it; there’s a pretty good chance there’s something to it. 6 months ago
Yeah, but I’m not vetting the sources on that at 1am. 6 months ago
dw other people will, and the sun vanishing would cause mass panic and with it all laws & morality would go to go to hell. So unless you live off the grid you’re not going to get any sleep that eternal night :)
from then you’d probably have a few days to say goodbye to your friends and family, the Earth would rapidly start cooling and humanity would be lucky to have 0.0001% of people survive the first year 6 months ago
Iceland would have the highest chance. You have to find places that have geothermal or nuclear power and access to pod farming equipment.
You underestimate my ability to turn off notifications on my phone.