Comment on Does anyone here play tf2 or dark and darker? 7 months ago
Wish I did, because I’d play with you, but if those companies aren’t taking moderation seriously, I’d personally choose to do something else. There’s lots of other games out there, after all! 7 months ago
a lot of other games, but none like those I’m afraid
and I haven’t seen a game that takes moderation seriously enough yet, they are all run by capitalists 7 months ago
Deep Rock Galactic has been pretty cool (single purchase, no subscriptions). Nice community, devs who listen. Great solo experience, too.
Another good F2P game is Warframe. The community is generally nice, especially to new players.
Competitive games, though, seem to attract the alt-right tryhards who find pleasure in causing others misery. I quit those several years ago for my mental health, just because I was tired of listening to toxic people lose their shit. They can scream at each other, for all I care. 7 months ago
i turn mics off 7 months ago
Fair. Make sure you take care of your mental health, either way. No game is worth sacrificing it, but that’s just my humble opinion. 7 months ago
By tf2 are you referring to Team Fortress 2? I feel like every shooter these days is a class-based shooter, what sets tf2 apart from something like Overwatch? 7 months ago
literally none of them have spy or anything close to it for a start 7 months ago
overwatch fucked itself up so hard its barely playable now 7 months ago
xDefiant has a class with an invisibility skill (which lets one do plenty of shotgunning losers in the back)? Apex Legends has Mirage with various decoy and invisibility skills? idk, I don’t know every single one of these shooters, but I will grant you that the way the Spy works in TF2 is pretty unique. 7 months ago
So many games focus mainly on competitive play. Tf2 is the only multiplayer fps where I feel free to relax and goof off.