The real answer for a black bear is make yourself look as big as possible, back away slowly, and tell it to fuck off in a deep voice. If it charges you it’s hopefully feinting, but if not whack it right in the snout with whatever you have.
Comment on On Bears 6 months ago
Fight back? O rly? 6 months ago 6 months ago
give 'em dinner and a show! 6 months ago
Black Bears mostly want a nice berry, or a poorly placed bear cooler.
Most Black Bear attacks seem to be because, in their mind, they’re buying time for their cubs to run away.
An average Black Bear is not looking for a prolonged fight. They’re still quite good at if, if they get the idea they need to.
So the prevailing wisdom, for Black Bears, is do whatever it takes to avoid them. But if attacked, do whatever it takes to make the bear think twice about whether they really want to fight.