5 months ago
Those monsters! Donating to a group that… provides legal aid to low income citizens. If those pesky poors would only stop trying to have their rights being defended. 5 months ago
Those monsters! Donating to a group that… provides legal aid to low income citizens. If those pesky poors would only stop trying to have their rights being defended. 5 months ago
It is an activist group that is anti-police, therefore anti-security. I can’t imagine who would want to defund the police in high crime areas unless they are mostly criminals. 5 months ago
Why do you think they are anti police? Are you possibly not understanding the, admittedly poorly named, defund the police group? 5 months ago
What part of the group is anti-police? They simply want to defund, which isn’t only preventing all their funding:
Personally I’m in favor of performance-based budgets. If the police are not spending their funds wisely or doing their jobs, they shouldn’t get the same amount as the previous year. Conversely if crime and arrests go down and public sentiment improves I’m all for them having more funding to keep up the good work.
Why would anyone be against that, unless you’re just reacting to the “de” in “defund and basing your entire opinion on that. 5 months ago
The police are not your friend. If you think they are, it’s because you haven’t wound up on the wrong end of them yet. I want to be clear, just because it isn’t happening to you now doesn’t mean it won’t; you’re never as deep into the in group as you think you are. 5 months ago
I LOVE the Police! Like the ones I hit with my Blue Lives Matter Flag Pole on January 6th or the ones that let someone attempt to Assassinate Trump or the ones that Kill Little Kids or the ones that Beat Their Wives or the ones that Steal My Property with eminent domain or. . . 5 months ago
So why don’t conservatives defund the police and privatize them like they want for healthcare? 5 months ago
Do you know who doesn’t? Black communities. Yet white liberals keep wanting to defund their police.…/why-black-voters-dont-want-to-defun…
What is interesting the vast majority want the same or more spending on police. Also they want police reform which is a topic I agree with. What they don’t want is less police or defunding the police.