You kidding?
There is loads of space between the Earth and the Sun to fit the Moon.
Comment on W Earth 6 months ago
How perfectly moon fits between earth and the sun is one of the weirdest things about our solar system to me.
You kidding?
There is loads of space between the Earth and the Sun to fit the Moon.
No way dude 6 months ago
Especially because it hasn’t always and it won’t forever. Humanity’s existence just happens to coincide with the period of amazing eclipses. 6 months ago
Yep this. Call in sick, quit, max out your credit, go halfway around the world, do literally whatever is needed to be done to see a total eclipse if you haven’t been able to experience it yet. It’s unreal.…/list-total-solar.html 6 months ago
It’s pretty fantastic, but not that good. 6 months ago
From what I’ve seen of future eclipse maps, it’ll probably be a very long time before I get to see another eclipse at totality
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