Comment on Knife vs. Gun Control? 6 months ago
Because knives are the weapon of choice of poor people and abuse victims that are lashing out while guns are favored by the white dudes
Comment on Knife vs. Gun Control? 6 months ago
Because knives are the weapon of choice of poor people and abuse victims that are lashing out while guns are favored by the white dudes 6 months ago
The weapon of choice for poor people? 12x more violent crime is committed using firearms in the United States. You may be under the impression that guns are expensive, but that’s not necessarily the case.
Also, your post implicitly categorizes all non-white men as poor people–i.e., you are implying that poor criminals are people of color.
That seems like a long way, convoluted method to use just to be racist, but you do you. 6 months ago
No actually, he's right. Many knife laws were created specifically to target minorities.
For instance, the gravity knife ban that's in place in many states exists because the state of New York realized that poor people who wanted to carry a safe, concealed knife on them were using gravity knives due to their low price making them more accessible than other folding knives at the time. New York saw a bunch of minorities carrying gravity knives, figured that they must be a "gang weapon" and banned them, and about half the other states followed suit immediately after. Some states have since reversed course on this obviously racist law, but many are still holding out. The ban has nothing to do with the safety of the knife, it's only because lawmakers were afraid of armed minorities. 6 months ago
Yes, like gun control laws and the Black Panthers. My point was that guns are the overwhelming choice of violent offenders over and above knives, regardless of race. Saying that poor and abused people use knives and not-poor white men (implicitly, by way of contra to the former) use guns is a poor way to structure that statement.
That weapons restrictions are heavily rooted in a history racism in the United States isn’t lost on me. More complex when you add in the shifting terrain and definition of “whiteness” during the 20th century, e.g. Irish-, Italian-, Jewish-Americans et al. 6 months ago
I don't disagree, but I think maybe we interpreted his comment differently, as the way I read it was the other person making exactly this point. I took his comment to be explaining from the perspective of one imposing such a law, as opposed to a belief they're presenting as their own.
Yup! A couple other examples I can think of are stilettos and switchblades being banned shortly after Italian knife makers picked up on the trend, under the guise of being "mafia" weapons. One excuse they often go for is that the blade can be deployed too quickly, which is BS; you can give a 10-year old kid any old folding knife with thumbstuds, and with 5 minutes of practice they can deploy it just as quickly as any spring-loaded knife.
It's a tale as old as time. Any time the feds see a group of people arming themselves, and they're not white (or not white enough), they'll bend over backwards coming up with any justification to strip them of their defenses. 6 months ago
Pointing out that white men are a privileged class the law and especially law enforcement caters to is not in fact a racism. 6 months ago
That’s true. But implying non-white people are poor, abused, and knife-wielding criminals is. You just structured your comment in a clumsy matter, it’s fine. The conversation went somewhere more interesting and involved without you.