Comment on Knife vs. Gun Control? 6 months ago
They aren’t: This is 100% state dependent. Some states have extremely permissive laws allowing you to carry anything from a switchblade to a greatsword if you want.
Comment on Knife vs. Gun Control? 6 months ago
They aren’t: This is 100% state dependent. Some states have extremely permissive laws allowing you to carry anything from a switchblade to a greatsword if you want. 6 months ago
Yes, that what I’m saying. I’m not talking about federal law, I’m saying that arguably the majority of states in the United States have more permissive gun laws than knife laws, and it’s absurd. 6 months ago
Most of the truly ridiculous knife laws are in states with equally ridiculous gun laws. A few have been challenged under 2A grounds with some degree of success but it just isn’t being pursued that much.