- Comment on M*crosoft's search engine is borderline unusable 5 months ago:
How does Microsoft’s compare to M*crosoft’s?
- Comment on Those poor plants 6 months ago:
I’m all for the most humane and ethical means of getting meat and the day I can get a steak that didn’t require a cow to die but is indistinguishable from the real thing I will absolutely switch over, but until then I’m going to enjoy delicious, delicious duck and not feel bad about. Wouldn’t eat a dog even in an apocalypse though.
- Comment on Those poor plants 6 months ago:
I always fall back on the concept of graphing how delicious the animal is vs how much of an asshole it is. Ducks? Absolutely delicious and raging assholes; they are the perfect meal. Dogs? Too sweet to ever try and on the negative side of the asshole graph. Cats? Rather asshole but not sure how they taste…
- Comment on Those poor plants 6 months ago:
Thanks, I saw it come across my FB feed and knew what had to be done.
- Comment on Those poor plants 6 months ago:
Cool, but steak is my favorite animal.
- Comment on Those poor plants 6 months ago:
- Submitted 6 months ago to [deleted] | 258 comments
- Comment on Knife vs. Gun Control? 7 months ago:
Most of the truly ridiculous knife laws are in states with equally ridiculous gun laws. A few have been challenged under 2A grounds with some degree of success but it just isn’t being pursued that much.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Does this mean that a mall cop can defeat trump?
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
The bump stock ban was enacted in 2018 which marked the end of coverage for the shooting. It wasn’t passed, it was dictated by arbitrary fiat.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
You hear about mass shootings (random public ones that are committed to generate news stories, not ones where it’s crime, usually gang related, with multiple people shot due to poor aim) when the media wants to leverage it for a specific angle. Shootings that play into the desired narrative linger for a very long time, shootings that go against the desired narrative disappear in a few hours to a few days. It has nothing to do with how many people were killed or what questions have or have not been answered; it is simply a function of how much it works towards the desired narrative.
The desired outcome of a gun ban was achieved and the fact that there are still unanswered questions means that continued discussion hurts the desired narrative, so it isn’t discussed. Not only has it “served its purpose” but bringing it up now could have a negative effect for those that control the media so the media never brings it up. No, we don’t know why he did it, we don’t even know for sure if he actually used bump stocks, but none of that matters; the headlines got the immediate response they were designed to get and then they moved onto other headlines before questions outside of their narrative were asked.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
I’ve had people ask me to write reference letters and need to decline. It was super awkward but I just couldn’t put my name to one.
- Comment on Oh, we're doing Baldwin shitposts? 1 year ago:
I mean, it was a dem DA in a deep blue area that brought the charges.
- Comment on My country/city has a new COVID wave. I got infected for the third time. 1 year ago:
I was a bit late on this booster because they were late getting it on base and then shifted all supplies overseas which made me go to local pharmacies which is a pain for active duty but I finally managed. I feel like I was higher risk at the beginning than now though, either way what I’ve been doing seems to have worked. Meanwhile my biochemist wife who works in pharma development is only a bit butthurt that she caught it before me despite absolutely being the subject matter expert and only going interacting with peers at work during the height of it.
- Comment on My country/city has a new COVID wave. I got infected for the third time. 1 year ago:
That sucks. I genuinely can’t fathom how I haven’t caught it yet. I got the vax right when it came out at the hospital/first responder time but with how much I travelled at the peak it’s amazing I’ve still avoided it. Every booster has kicked my ass so I really don’t think I had a silent case.
- Comment on Oh, we're doing Baldwin shitposts? 1 year ago:
If you use it to control the TV the only thing it can do is turn it off permanently.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 5 comments
- Comment on Stop pussyfooting that gaspedal! 1 year ago:
Now THIS is a shitpost!!
- Comment on Why is she making KD at 1:30 am? 1 year ago:
It’s just blue box to me.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
- Comment on Is the right to abortion a "negative right" or a "positive right"? 1 year ago:
It’s not separating them out to groups because it’s a fun thing to do, it’s a literal function of how rights work. Negative rights are things they can’t take away and positive rights are things they have to give you. Both positive and negative rights can be absolute rights, but whether or not they are something that can’t be taken or must be given is important in how they are implemented in any system of government.
- Comment on Is the right to abortion a "negative right" or a "positive right"? 1 year ago:
Think of it this way, any negative right can become a positive right if someone gives it to you. A positive right can’t exist without it.
The 2nd Amendment states that you have the right to keep and bear arms. This means that you can own and utilize a gun for self defense, which is a negative right. It can be made a positive right if the government provides everyone with a a gun for this purpose, but the right to self defense is different from the right to be given the means to accomplish it. Meanwhile the right to vote is something that can’t exist without the government providing it. For $20 I can make a gun with supplies from Home Depot. With $1,000,000 I can’t vote without an existing government system.
Abortion is a function of the right of bodily autonomy and freedom of religion. It’s not the right to have the government “un-pregnant” you on demand, but the right to decide what biological functions you wish to perform. The primary argument against it is based in religious morality, which violates the 1st Amendment’s separation of church and state. The government cannot establish an official religion and impose a specific religious doctrine on you. Since it is something that require you to seek it out and implement it is a negative right.
The real reason abortion is such a delicate political issue is that its true morality is based in religion. If you believe that the soul (a religious concept) begins at or before conception, it is murder which makes it inherently evil. If you believe that the soul becomes a person at viability or birth, it is simply a regulatory restriction like a highway having a speed limit of 60 vs 65 mph. The inability of either side to acknowledge that personal religious beliefs determine whether or not it is literal murder makes a lot of the back and forth shouting an exercise in futility. At the end of the day “Congress make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting its free exercise.” Saying you can’t do something because someone else’s religion forbids it is a direct violation of that, but ignoring that to some people it is literally murder makes it harder to have honest debates on it. At least having a basic awareness of why the other side is so rabidly opposed to it is very useful in breaking through the emotional arguments that dominate the discussion over the fundamental factors of what is and is not an actual right.
- Comment on How do poor people in the states give birth without money? 1 year ago:
The US version is a system that calculates the risk of loaning money vs being paid back. In order to be approved for a loan the credit score is used to evaluate whether or not it is likely to be paid back within the terms of the loan. As a result those with bad credit have trouble getting favorable terms for cars, housing and basically anything that can’t be purchased outright. Does it negatively affect people for things outside of their control and perpetuate cycles of poverty? Absolutely, but it is based in actual fiscal risk to calculate sustainable loan practices.
China on the other hand took the US term of “credit” and abused the everloving shit out of it to punish people that the government dislikes. Did your cousin post a Xi Jinping Winnie the Pooh meme? Well too bad that you were shopping for a house, because your “credit” is no longer high enough to not be homeless. You should have thought of that before you were related to someone who disagreed with the government!
Not being able to demonstrate to a bank that you are financially reliable enough to pay back a loan is unfortunate, but a rational reason for an unfavorable interest rate or denial of a loan. Making people ineligible for even renting an apartment that is within their financial means because the dictator in charge dislikes you is a completely different thing altogether.
- Comment on Is Destiny 2 Still Worth Playing in 2023? - IGN 1 year ago:
Nope. So glad I quit when I did and haven’t looked back. The more I see what it’s become the more I’m happy with my choice.
- Comment on Sounds like an amazing date night. 1 year ago:
She’s an actress that I haven’t seen anything about or even remembered existed for years and years. The zero fucks given of walking around with a brand new Glock and tacos is rather awesome though.
- Comment on Sounds like an amazing date night. 1 year ago:
What about tacos?
- Comment on Sounds like an amazing date night. 1 year ago:
Looks like she just bought it and the finger is whatever, maybe the slot wasn’t comfortable for her whole hand.
- Comment on Sounds like an amazing date night. 1 year ago:
I didn’t say to use jacketed instead of washing, I said to use jacketed in addition to washing.
- Comment on Sounds like an amazing date night. 1 year ago:
Shoot jacketed and use cold water to keep the pores in your skin closed.
- Submitted 1 year ago to [deleted] | 46 comments