Kind of like field of dreams if you build it they will come? 7 months ago
If you post it will have activity. If you keep posting it will be active. 7 months ago 7 months ago
If you post it will have activity. If you keep posting it will be active.
Kind of like field of dreams if you build it they will come? 7 months ago
It does seem an odd request - I’m not sure what an Admin could check (and I am one). It’s easy enough to see that the single Mod has been MIA for 6 months but that doesn’t have any bearing on the community’s activity. 7 months ago
Yea but I could look up stuff people ask and answer them. Or if the community is slow post my own stuff and answer myself…as crazy as that sounds in my head. 7 months ago
You can do that now. 7 months ago
Yea but seems kind of misaligned for not having historians answer. Or tagged for what they are good at.