There should be stats in the side bar for it on desktop.
First off thank you for serving us. Second can one admin or someone check if Askhistorians is even active anymore?
Submitted 7 months ago by to
Comments 7 months ago 7 months ago
What do I look for because the comment above me says they have be inactive for six months. And askhistorians should not belong only to reddit. 7 months ago
What do I look for because the comment above me says they have be inactive for six months.
The Mod has been inactive for 6 months, the community is open and running. All a Mod would be doing is checking that questions and answers fit the community’s remit. Their level of activity doesn’t impact the actual activity of this community. If there are questions that people don’t fit the community they can report them. Admins can act as SuperMods if there are issues, so can remove posts. If anyone wants to Mod the community they should speak to the Admins.
The sidebar state tell you the number of subscribers and visitors.
And askhistorians should not belong only to reddit.
And it doesn’t. 7 months ago
If you post it will have activity. If you keep posting it will be active. 7 months ago
It does seem an odd request - I’m not sure what an Admin could check (and I am one). It’s easy enough to see that the single Mod has been MIA for 6 months but that doesn’t have any bearing on the community’s activity. 7 months ago
Yea but I could look up stuff people ask and answer them. Or if the community is slow post my own stuff and answer myself…as crazy as that sounds in my head. 7 months ago
Kind of like field of dreams if you build it they will come?