Men tell it to other men
Comment on [deleted] 6 months ago
What's the story behind this? Do women tell that to men? Or men to other men? And in what context?
And why does it even matter? 6 months ago 6 months ago
Well, those ‘men’ are just overgrown children. 6 months ago
Dude, if some guy tells you that it’s because he is insecure or knows he has no chance and his fragile ego can’t handle you dating her because he thinks he is better than you. He is going to have some self examination to do and he can’t deal with that.
You intimidate him, man. 6 months ago
I have never said this to another man, lol, I have never thought of saying this to another man 6 months ago
Oh... Yeah, they're idiots. And don't have a clue. I think you should try to ignore them if you don't plan to date them. Maybe don't have them be close friends either.
In my experience such random bullying is quite common in school. But once your grow up, such things become more rare in the adult world. Your mileage may vary. There are adult bullies and a*holes who like to pick on people. They'll find something to tease and bait you. Outer appearance is a common and cheap way to do it. 6 months ago
If somebody is habitually dissing you for being short, they either are a bully (and must be dealt with one way or another) or don’t realise how much it hurts you. 6 months ago
Women tend to say men have to be over 6ft tall for them to even be considered for a date. These women are usually caked up in makeup, or overweight, or lazy and unemployed looking for a sugar daddy, or just have a really bad personality. They’re single for a reason, basically, and are considered femcels. I’m not saying that there aren’t guys on the other side of this doing similar things though. Both sides are usually just filled with stupid, immature people who need some growing up to do. There are 8 billion people on the planet…if some nobody on Tender wants to be picky, then move on. Anyone with a personality like this isn’t worth dating anyways. So any time you see the whole “must be this tall to ride” or “must be below this weight to date,” consider them red flags and just move on to the next person. 6 months ago
Sure. There's a nut to every bolt. Or so they say. I'm also not interested in a partner who is just fixiated on outer appearance. Or money. I like people who like me for who I am. And that's why I personally consider such statements as valuable information and immediately move on to the next person who isn't as shallow and incompatible to me in what we value in life and other people. 6 months ago
Exactly. Even if it’s a guy saying it, same thing…just childish behavior that should be ignored. Eventually, they’ll just be alone and tall.