My intended use case is to find possibilities how ML can support people with certain tasks.
weaselly bullshit. how exactly do you intend for people to use technology that identifies ships via satellite? what is your goal? because the only use cases I can see for this are negative
This is no reason to stop science entirely
if the only thing your tech can be used for is bad then you’re bad for innovating that tech 5 months ago
Marxism-Leninism? anakin-padme-2
Oh, Machine Learning. sicko-wistful
in an ideal world maybe, but that is not our world. In reality science is always always political. It is unavoidable. 5 months ago
Typical hexbear reply lol
Unfortunately, you are right, though. 5 months ago
that’s just going through life with blinders on 5 months ago
Yes, typically hexbear replies are right.
It’s not unfortunate though, it’s simply a matter of having an understanding of the world and a willingness to accept it and engage with it. It’s too bad that you seem not to want that understanding or that you lack the willingness to accept it.
How can you possibly square that first short sentence with the second? Are you really that willfully hypocritical? Yes, “your” science is political. No science escapes it, and the people who do science thinking themselves and their work is unaffected by their ideology are the most effected by ideology. No wonder you like your bubble - from within it, you don’t have to concern yourself with any of the real world or even the smallest sliver of self reflection. But all it is is a happy, self-reinforcing delusion. You pretend to be someone who appreciates science, but if you truly did, you would be doing everything you can to recognize your unavoidable biases rather than denying them while simultaneously wallowing in them, which is what you are openly admitting to doing whether you realize it or not. 5 months ago
Image 5 months ago
i-love-not-thinking 5 months ago