Technically with the mother’s love protecting him, nothing would’ve worked. Also you are ignoring pride in all of this. Voldemort had a way to kill anyone he hated with barely any effort on his part, using magical abilities. He also hated muggles and all they stood for. Of course he won’t be using a way muggles kill one another if he has magic that is in his mind “better”.
Comment on Anon finds a plot hole 6 months ago
Also in the wizarding world they have a device that makes it incredibly easy to kill a baby. It’s called a knife. 6 months ago 6 months ago
The mother’s love protecting Harry caught Voldemort off guard. It’s not like he got to try using the killing curse on Harry several times. Imagine you want to kill a baby, and you have a gun, and literally no reason to conserve ammo. You wouldn’t pull out your knife in the off chance that the baby is bulletproof. 6 months ago
How true 6 months ago
Makes sense once you really think about it, huh. 6 months ago
Don’t tell me how to stab a baby.