The difference is that superheroes actually try to help and be heroes.
If they didn’t, they would be classified as supervillains.
Comment on That hippie! 6 months ago
Seeing these cops illustrated in power stances makes me glad I never got into comic books.
When you think about it, superheroes are really just cops. I mean they love violence and are always vigilant to protect the status quo.
The difference is that superheroes actually try to help and be heroes.
If they didn’t, they would be classified as supervillains.
Playing the modern Spider-Man games made me realize this. Spider-Man is literally just a young, naïve cop wannabe who sees good and evil in a disturbingly black and white way.
They are worse than cops. They are glorified for being vigilantes, who have no protocol or rules to observe.
Lol there have been plenty of counter culture anti-authority comic books. A single panel of police in, what are probably, just stock poses the artist had reference already handy for surely can’t ruin an entire medium
They are a form of law enforcement by definition. 6 months ago
Super heroes are a lot of things. Some are “cops”, some are individuals just trying to do good in the world. We heroes more than we need cops. 6 months ago
We definitely don’t need vigilantes.