Sekiro NG+ was great because by that point you’ve mastered the techniques and you’re flying through shit that felt like a brick wall before.
Also Lies of P is definitely on my list to play, looks cool
Comment on Anon likes Bloodborne 7 months agoSekiro had the hardest first playthough yet easiest NG+ playthroughs
Dark souls 2 was the easiest because you could get basically unlimited healing with the gems.
Orphan of kos fucked me up for a solid week on ng+2 (I should have just restarted a new character when that dlc dropped)
Sekiro NG+ was great because by that point you’ve mastered the techniques and you’re flying through shit that felt like a brick wall before.
Also Lies of P is definitely on my list to play, looks cool
Lies of P is really great, had a blast playing it. It feels like a mix of Bloodborne and Sekiro 7 months ago
I’ve never owned a PS4 and so had to wait quite a while to play Bloodborne. Even while avoiding spoilers I had seen so much hype about Orphan of Kos and what a crazy hard fight it was. Cutscene starts, I’m getting nervous, Orphan swings on me and I parry him. Wait what? You can parry him? Proceed to beat him first try. Bloodborne parry windows are fucking massive compared to dark souls. I couldn’t believe how overhyped the fight (and really, the entire game) was. Lady Maria was the only boss in that entire game that gave me any trouble. I finished it and went back to dark souls.