Huh, I’ll see if they’re available anywhere. I’ve heard excellent things about the thief games but for some reason never taken them on.
Comment on [Request] Retro Recommendations 7 months ago
Thief: The Dark Project and Thief 2: The Metal Age (PC, 1998/2000). (the second game is essentially just more of the first, but more refined)
Still the best stealth games to date if that’s your cup of tea, and holds up excellently. 7 months ago 7 months ago
The Thief games are all available on GOG, probably Steam, too, but I prefer GOG. 7 months ago
Always a fan of DRM-free :) 7 months ago
Do note that in your post you mentioned things that have aged well, and while I think it’s fine, hey can feel very clunky, especially in comparison to some of the games heavily influenced by them (e.g. Dishonored, among others).
You might want to add some mods just to touch some things up.
Also, while the second game is my favourite, don’t sleep on the third, especially if you like horror because one of the later levels is fucking incredible. I say all of this as someone who ordinarily hates supernatural-type horror.
And the third game also expands on the lore, which I like.
All of them are available on GOG and Steam.
Similar to Thief, the original Deus Ex is a great game which might also show its age a bit, but I think stands the test of time for the most part. 7 months ago
I’ll look into mods, thank you for the recommendation :)
I do love having GOG versions available.
I remember playing the original Deus Ex and I think my mum forced me to stop playing because it was too violent or some such nonsense (this being the same mother that had me playing Oddworld while I sat on her lap at the ripe old age of like 5. A game that routinely features people and monsters being blown/crushed/ground/shot/shredded/chewed to giblets). I may have to look this up again. 7 months ago
The main patch you’ll want is TFix/T2Fix, posted on TTLG Forums. I think it comes prepatched from GOG, on Steam you’ll have to patch it yourself. what do you mean by very clunky? I don’t think they are at all. Except maybe the default control scheme which is pretty bad today, but you can rebind everything (or use my bind file, works for both games) 7 months ago
No prob. The first game actually has some fantastic mods and also a ton of incredibly well-crafted fan-made levels.
You might want a few tiny mods for Deus Ex as well, though it doesn’t really require much.
Kind of funny that it was “too violent” because you can go through most of the game without even killing anyone. It’s my preferred playstyle, just sleep darts and stealth stuff.
Actually, you’ll have a bit of a rough time if you go in guns ablaze. A lot of people used to shooters end up being obliterated on the first level when they initially play it, which is what happened to me when I first played it on release. Came back to it years later after I’d discovered Thief and suddenly felt right at home. 7 months ago
Both excellent games, and better than Thief 3, Thief 2021, and Dishonored. 7 months ago
I think you meant 2014, unless there’s something I missed from last year. 7 months ago
Yep, that’s the one. I misremembered the year. Maybe I got it in 2023, I dunno. 7 months ago
Huh, confusing last year for a decade ago is unusual